FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
What is a paid survey panel?
One of the main techniques used when performing market research and opinion surveys is CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviews). It is based on polls being filled by respondents via a web page. Upon the internauts’ consent and registration in the panel, the company conducting such research sends him / her questionnaires, and completing them earns the participant points which then can be converted into real money (see details in the panel rules).
What technical conditions do you have to meet to participate in online surveys?
Surveys can be completed on any electronic device connected to the Internet. The only condition is an up-to-date Internet browser and access to the Internet.
What can you gain through participation in the surveys?
For completing questionnaires you receive points, which in turn can be exchanged into money after you've collected enough of them (see the panel rules for details). The number of points per poll depends on the length of the form, the complexity of the questions, etc.
How exactly does the process of filling questionnaires look?
Invitations to specific surveys are sent via email. The message includes all of the important information, such as the title of the study, its subject, the time it will take to complete the questionnaire, the number of points you can earn for the questionnaire (points are later redeemed), and how long the form will remain active under the submitted link. Once you click on the link it takes you directly to the form. Filling it is intuitive, however in case of any inquiries, there are instructions prepared for every question (whether it's a single or multiple choice question, etc.) The research system makes sure that the panelist completes the questions one by one in a technically correct manner (for example, displaying a message that a mandatory field is not filled, an answer wasn't provided, a question was omitted). The questionnaire form is divided not only into questions, but also pages. At the bottom of each page is a "Next" button, which takes you to the next page. At some points the "Back" button will also be active, so if you are unsure, you can return to the previous page to the already filled form.
How long can the surveys take to fill?
At minimum, they take a few minutes (3-5), but they might take as long as several dozen (30-40). On average, they take about 10-15 minutes.
Can filling a survey be paused, and returned to later?
The possibility of interrupting a survey depends on the project. The information whether it can be done is always contained in the email that is sent out to all of the projects' participants, and on the front page of the survey. If the poll allows you to interrupt filling it, please fill your responses to the end of the page you are currently at, and upon clicking the "Next" button, your answers will be saved.
What is the certainty that the tests are anonymous?
Information provided by the panelist at the point of registration is used solely to contact the panelist (invitations to polls, account number information, etc.) and to match research topics to his or her preferences. This information is protected against any unauthorized access. Any information provided by the panelist during the surveys is confidential, and used only to create aggregated statistical research reports.
Is the panelists' data safe?
All of the data is stored on trusted servers that meet the highest standards of security. Details on this subject can be found in the Panel Security Policy.
What are the topics covered by the surveys?
Market and opinion research is quite a broad concept. Surveys can affect the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, brand image, consumer preferences, satisfaction with purchased products, but also the labor market, the quality of local government services, and the opinion on the construction of a nuclear power plant. We use the registration form in the panel to best match the topic of a research that we are conducting to specific panelists.
Is filling out each questionnaire that you are invited to mandatory?
Participation in research is completely voluntary, and if someone doesn't like a topic, the deadline, or the potential point payout, he or she does not have to take part in the questionnaire. While participating, you can withdraw at any time, e.g. the panelist does not have to answer any question that he or she might find sensitive. However, if you do not complete a survey, you will not receive points for it.
How often are you invited to participate in surveys?
Depending on the intensity of activity in the field of research it can be 1 to 10, and even over a dozen or so tests within a month. It is difficult to predict in advance when there will be more surveys, and when less.
Can the email invitations be automatically redirected to the SPAM folder?
Unfortunately, yes. Please check your SPAM folder at least once a week.
How are panelists that receive the invitation to a specific research chosen?
The basis for matching panelists are their profiles - completed by filling the registration form, and then the profile within the panel. Invitations are sent to potential panelists in the target group of the project. Primarily the panelists are separated by their demographic features (age, gender, marital status, province, size of residence, etc.) but also by their consumer habits, such as stores in which they shop, number of phones that they own, etc.
Why does participation in a survey end after completing the survey’s metric?
Sometimes, panel administrators find it difficult to predict how many of the invited panelists - and at what time - will participate in the study. It may happen that the panelist will complete the questionnaire once the test has been completed (the required number of participants in the category has already filled the questionnaire - for example, men, aged 30-35 years, with higher education, living in a city of up to 100,000 inhabitants). At that point, the system will inform you that the test is already finished.
Can you exchange the points for anything else, apart from money?
No, the points can only be exchanged for real money.
Is registration within the panel free?
Yes it is, free and completely voluntary.
Do you need to log in to your profile to receive invitations to surveys?
No, although the information about the panelists' activity is also available within your profile. Invitations are sent via email, but it is still worthwhile to log in to your profile every once in a while - you can check for various information and update your profile.
How do I change my password?
All data except the name of the participant can be edited in the profile settings. Only an administrator can change the name and the password.
What happens if you forget your profile password?
You have to contact the panel administrator.
Do I have to update all of the information on my profile?
Please note that your profile information is used to match the invitations sent to panelists to their preferences. Therefore, you need to take care of updating your profile with information such as your marital status and email address.
How can I opt out of your panel?
Just delete all of the information from your profile, delete the profile itself and send a message to the panel administrator.
Do you lose your points and money if you opt out?
If the minimum number of points required for their exchange has been accumulated, the points will not be lost. However, you must remember to notify the administrator of your cancellation.
How do I get paid for my participation?
Payments are made using the Przelewy24 system. Once you've collected 1000 points, your funds will be deposited into your bank account.
Can I receive the payments in any other way?
Currently there are no other options. You need to have an active bank account to receive the payment.